Monday, April 13, 2009

38. You Must You Must! I HATE RULES!
Coming from a land of returns, customer service and how can we help you? I have to say I am sick of the tons of rules and regulations here, everything has a sign of what you can’t do and I am sick of it! I like getting upgraded for rooms, I like a perk, I like getting extras, and getting away with little things, here??! No freaking way it’s all stay within the lines!

1 comment:

  1. YES...I just got kicked out of a gym for wearing my gym shoes from sign and no one told us...but the guy reprimanded us like we were children, and mind you he prob was 1/2 our age. I was at my rope's end that day and told him to shove it because no one told us that rule and there's no sign...and then i get a letter literally within a few hours that my membership is cancelled - WTF?
