Thursday, April 9, 2009

27. Stinky Dry Cleaning
You won’t believe this one, and this is NO JOKE! I assure you, so we moved to the “Armpit of Germany” otherwise known as Augsburg which looks like Pittsburgh or Detroit on a bad day, especially the weather and the industrial train tracks, anyways so we acquired some dry cleaning, which I had been meaning to do but couldn’t find anywhere. I finally found one near the tram stop in Univertal which is not a good sign, cause how many students will be doing dry cleaning, well instead of testing it out, I just dropped off a bagful of clothes including of course my favorite dresses, hello! It’s dry cleaning?! So what in the world do you think happened in my eventful life in Germany, I get the clothes all packaged neatly in plastic bags, I take it home and suddenly I start smelling something very peculiar..hmm what is this smell??? Is it the chemicals they use here? Is it a special process in Germany? What is this smell and boy it is SO strong, hmm…..wait this smells like, NO it can’t be, wait this shit smells like, like..I think this smells like B.O?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK!? I JUST paid $70 of dry cleaning to have my favorite clothes and COAT, smell like body odor/?!! No, this is TRUE, REALLY TRULY! I DO NOT LIE! I ask my husband and he says it smells like B.O. so now this is at the beginning of my move here unable to complain to the German bitch who ruined my clothes but now I am stuck and it’s starting to make my other clothes stink!? I run all over town looking for Febreze, I spray and dry my clothes outside for 2 weeks and the smell is so bad, I end up hand-washing some of them that can be hand-washed, except my brown wool coat and now every time I wear it, I am reminded of how much I LOVE Germany.


  1. HILARIOUS! Honestly, you should write a book! I'm hooked on the Desparate Housewife of Germany!

    1. Awesome! Would you believe I actually kept this a private blog for awhile because I was afraid I may get arrested by the polizei? Glad you see the humor of my sufferings. Lol thx!

  2. If you smelled my closet, you wouldn't be laughing...


    1. Who are you desperate housewife living in germany? Hopefully you are not so desperate anymore ;) nice to meet u!
