Sunday, May 10, 2009

211. Attic housing
What is UP with that??!?! seriously, attics are for old furniture storage NOT to live in or vacation in. I can't tell you how many ATTICS we looked at when we looked for apartments, being in Europe, they try to make use out of every bit of space! Think about it, an attic has a triangular tip and you cannot even stand up straight unless you are in the middle! I'm serious, we saw so many of these places, I was in shock and they are not much cheaper either! Some hotels use attics as rooms and that really is annoying, they have no windows except maybe one skylight it's quite a treat. It makes you claustrophobic but I refuse to live in one of these!
Pix: haha don't hit your head when you wake up!! geesh!


  1. Just to clarify, in Italy and southern France (as well as in all other Mediterranean countries) we do not usually live in attics, either, because our roofs are flatter, so the attic is just tall enough for storing crates, boxes, and old furniture. Indeed, I find attic living to be generally substandard.

    You know, Germany (and, especially, rural and provincial Germany) is an extremely complicated, weird, rude, and uncomfortable place *even by European standards*. I grew up in Italy and studied in Denmark and Sweden, before moving to the States for five years, so I am familiar with living in different European countries, but life in Germany is truly exceptionally horrible (always "in my opinion" -- I specify that, so I won't get sued for defamation by some German patriot). I mean, my husband is American (and so am I, but he grew up in the States, unlike me), so I concede that some Europeans things, habits, or laws might differ from the States (which is to be expected, when moving abroad). However, life in Germany comes as a shock even to most other Europeans I know. Therefore, I do not find it "spoiled" of Americans to expect what you most reasonably expected here... Rather, I would call it "civilized"! :-) Everything you wrote was spot-on, down to being treated like a thief at a supermarket. Crazy! Glad you were finally able to leave: I have less than two years to go, now, and I am jealous as heck of you, sister. :-) Happy Holidays from Armpit II, Germany. ;-)

    1. That's awesome thanks the info Giulia and hope ur out of Armpit now! Hope u didn't experience the treated like a thief as I did that is a memory I will never forget!

      Asian Winona Ryder
